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For Schools

If you represent a school in the metro Atlanta area looking for an association to join,

you have options on the national, regional, state, and local levels. On the local level, AAAIS is the largest such organization in Georgia, and the major focus is threefold:

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    To provide the sharing of ideas among school management groups, including School Heads and Principals, Admission Directors, Diversity Coordinators, Communications Directors, and Development Directors, to name a few

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    To provide a vision for the future of independent school education in the Atlanta area, and to ensure that our schools are sustainable

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    To provide Principles of Best Practice, to which all member Schools subscribe, a document that guarantees collaboration and honesty with fellow member schools and the families they serve

We at AAAIS strongly encourage our member schools to be active participants with our partner organizations: NAIS, SAIS, and GISA. All provide valuable resources and opportunities for collaboration and professional growth, but each is unique in the specific services provided.

For example, GISA provides an excellent annual conference, featuring national keynote speakers and breakout sessions where teachers share the good things they have developed in their own classrooms.

SAIS provides both professional development opportunities and an avenue for independent school accreditation.

NAIS is the largest nation-wide organization of independent schools and provides a valuable voice on the national stage.

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